How to Prepare Perfect Cod and Sugar Snap Peas with Mustard Soy Sauce

How to Prepare Perfect Cod and Sugar Snap Peas with Mustard Soy Sauce

Looking for the perfect Cod and Sugar Snap Peas with Mustard Soy Sauce recipe? look no further! We provide you only the best Cod and Sugar Snap Peas with Mustard Soy Sauce recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Are you a cooking guru? Possibly you are simply a kitchen veteran? Or like several others, you may be a newbie.Whatever the case may be, valuable cooking suggestions can add some fresh suggestions to your cooking. Spend some time and learn a few points that can sprinkle some brand-new fun into your kitchen area routine. This Cod and Sugar Snap Peas with Mustard Soy Sauce recipe maybe a perfect fit for you.

Cod and Sugar Snap Peas with Mustard Soy Sauce Recipe

Cod and Sugar Snap Peas with Mustard Soy Sauce

You can cook Cod and Sugar Snap Peas with Mustard Soy Sauce using 10 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Cod and Sugar Snap Peas with Mustard Soy Sauce :

  1. Use Cod.
  2. Use Sugar snap peas.
  3. Prepare Cherry tomatoes.
  4. You need to prepare ◎ Soy sauce.
  5. Provide ◎ Grainy mustard.
  6. Prepare ◎ Vinegar.
  7. You need to prepare ◎ Sugar.
  8. Use Sake.
  9. Use Cake flour.
  10. Use Vegetable oil.

Cod and Sugar Snap Peas with Mustard Soy Sauce step by step :

  1. Put the ◎ ingredients in a heatproof bowl, microwave for about 30 seconds at 500-600 W, and mix well..
  2. Take the bones and skin off the code, cut into bite sized pieces, and sprinkle with sake..
  3. Cut both ends of the snap peas and remove the strings, boil briefly and drain well..
  4. Take off the stem ends from the cherry tomatoes and cut in half..
  5. Coat the cod with flour. Heat some oil in a frying pan, add the flour coated cod and pan fry over medium-high heat..
  6. Brown on both sides, then turn off the heat..
  7. Mix the snap peas, tomatoes and cod with the combined ingredients from Step 1..
  8. Transfer to a serving dish to finish..

Take these Cod and Sugar Snap Peas with Mustard Soy Sauce recipe concepts and also utilize them as well as maybe even experiment while you are at it. The kitchen area is an excellent place to attempt new points with the appropriate help.

If you find this Cod and Sugar Snap Peas with Mustard Soy Sauce recipe useful please share it to your close friends or family, thank you and good luck.


How to Prepare Perfect Cod and Sugar Snap Peas with Mustard Soy Sauce
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