Simple Way to Prepare Delicious Filipino Chicken Adobo

Simple Way to Prepare Delicious Filipino Chicken Adobo

If you're looking for new recipes to try this weekend, look no further! We provide you only the perfect Filipino Chicken Adobo recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

If you are having problem recently in the kitchen when it involves obtaining your cuisine perfect, you are not the only one. Many people have natural cooking skill however not quite enough expertise to cook with excellence. This Filipino Chicken Adobo dish is a good start, simple to prepare and tasty.

Filipino Chicken Adobo Recipe

Filipino Chicken Adobo

You can cook Filipino Chicken Adobo using 10 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Filipino Chicken Adobo :

  1. Use kilo chicken cut into pieces.
  2. Use garlic 4-5 garlic cloves crushed and the remaining minced.
  3. Prepare oil.
  4. Use bay leaves.
  5. You need peppercorn.
  6. Prepare white vinegar (sugar cane or balsamic goes well too).
  7. You need soy sauce.
  8. Provide water.
  9. You need to prepare sugar.
  10. Prepare Optional: peeled hard-boiled eggs and/or potatoes cut in quarter.

The ingredients are chicken, bay leaves, black peppercorn and bay leaves. You can use any parts of the chicken. This one-pot Filipino Chicken Adobo recipe from Food Network uses only a handful of ingredients, including garlic and soy sauce. Filipino Adobo Chicken - Chicken braised in vinegar and soy sauce with lots of garlic.

Filipino Chicken Adobo instructions :

  1. Marinate chicken in soy sauce and vinegar with the crushed garlic for at least 2 hours or even overnight. The longer the chicken stays in the marinade, the tastier and flavorful it becomes..
  2. Heat oil in pan and cook remaining minced garlic until light golden brown. Set aside toasted garlic as toppings later. Remove chicken from the marinade (keep marinade sauce) and pan fry chicken in the same oil as the garlic for about 3-5 minutes per side or until it browns a little. Don't worry about having to cook chicken through just yet, as you will still let it stew later..
  3. Put back marinade sauce from earlier and add water, sugar, peppercorn, and bay leaves. Add optional potatoes and peeled hard-boiled eggs. Let it simmer for about 20-30 minutes. You will know chicken is cooked once it is fork tender is starting to release oil. I like my adobo on the drier side so I let the it simmer until the sauce thickens and mostly evaporated..
  4. Serve with white rice topped with toasted garlic and enjoy!.

Not only is it so easy to make, but because it's incredibly flavorful and my kids love it! With a marinade of vinegar, black peppercorns, bay leaves, and tamari, it has the perfect balance of sweet. Filipino chicken adobo makes a delicious low carb dish. The meat is cooked in a tangy mix of cider vinegar, soy sauce and garlic. Chicken adobo is one of the most famous and talked-about dishes in Filipino cuisine.

Cooking is a kind of art and also it takes time and technique to equal experience as well as expertise in the field. There are numerous types of cooking as well as additionally many different kinds of food from various cultures. Use what you've seen from Filipino Chicken Adobo recipe it will aid you in your food preparation ventures.

If you find this Filipino Chicken Adobo recipe useful please share it to your close friends or family, thank you and good luck.


Simple Way to Prepare Delicious Filipino Chicken Adobo
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