13 Perfect My take on Healthy-eer Eggs Benedict Recipes

13 Perfect My take on Healthy-eer Eggs Benedict Recipes

Looking for the perfect My take on Healthy-eer Eggs Benedict recipe? look no further! We provide you only the best My take on Healthy-eer Eggs Benedict recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Many individuals love cooking and assume it makes the perfect relaxing leisure activity. A kitchen that is loaded with fresh food that smells tasty is specific to make anybody's mood a bit lighter. It can in some cases seem tough, however, to identify dishes that help you or suggestions that results in an inevitably successful meal. Maybe this My take on Healthy-eer Eggs Benedict dish is the one you are looking for.

My take on Healthy-eer Eggs Benedict Recipe

My take on Healthy-eer Eggs Benedict

You can cook My take on Healthy-eer Eggs Benedict using 8 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of My take on Healthy-eer Eggs Benedict :

  1. Prepare 100 Calorie Whole Wheat English Muffin.
  2. Use Low Fat Cream Cheese.
  3. Use Smoked Salmon.
  4. Provide Pepper (to taste).
  5. Provide Nonstick Cooking Spray.
  6. You need to prepare Egg.
  7. Prepare Pesto.
  8. Provide Cajun seasoning (to taste).

My take on Healthy-eer Eggs Benedict instructions :

  1. Spray a nonstick pan with cooking spray. Turn stove to medium-low heat..
  2. Crack the egg carefully in the pan..
  3. Sprinkle egg with Cajun seasoning and pepper to taste..
  4. Meanwhile toast English Muffin to your crispyness liking (yes I just made up a word).
  5. Slather muffin with pesto and low fat cream cheese..
  6. Top it with the smoked salmon and finally the egg. Nom!.

Since you've reached completion of this My take on Healthy-eer Eggs Benedict recipe, currently trying out recipes and implement it and enjoy. You never ever recognize - you just might have located a brand-new vocation.

If you find this My take on Healthy-eer Eggs Benedict recipe valuable please share it to your friends or family, thank you and good luck.


13 Perfect My take on Healthy-eer Eggs Benedict Recipes
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