Recipe for Delicious Thai Stir Fry Garlic and Pepper Beef (Kratiem Prik Thai)

Recipe for Delicious Thai Stir Fry Garlic and Pepper Beef (Kratiem Prik Thai)

Looking for the perfect Thai Stir Fry Garlic and Pepper Beef (Kratiem Prik Thai) recipe? look no further! We provide you only the perfect Thai Stir Fry Garlic and Pepper Beef (Kratiem Prik Thai) recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

There are lots of sources of info on cooking. Some information is tailored towards experienced chefs and not for the ordinary person. It can be perplexing to learn every one of the offered info. Fortunately, this Thai Stir Fry Garlic and Pepper Beef (Kratiem Prik Thai) recipe is easy to make and will provide you some excellent suggestions. They will certainly help any person, even a beginner.

Thai Stir Fry Garlic and Pepper Beef (Kratiem Prik Thai) Recipe

Thai Stir Fry Garlic and Pepper Beef (Kratiem Prik Thai)

To make Thai Stir Fry Garlic and Pepper Beef (Kratiem Prik Thai) you only need 13 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you do it.

Ingredients of Thai Stir Fry Garlic and Pepper Beef (Kratiem Prik Thai) :

  1. You need Beef (strips, ground or minced).
  2. Prepare [Marinade].
  3. Provide Light Soy Sauce.
  4. Use Dark Soy Sauce.
  5. You need Oyster Sauce.
  6. You need Garlic (minced).
  7. You need to prepare White Pepper.
  8. Provide Black Pepper.
  9. You need to prepare [Stir Fry].
  10. Provide Cooking Oil.
  11. Provide Garlic (finely diced).
  12. Provide [Garnish].
  13. You need to prepare Fresh Coriander.

Thai Stir Fry Garlic and Pepper Beef (Kratiem Prik Thai) step by step :

  1. MARINADE: marinate the Beef for 30 minutes or more..
  2. FRIED GARLIC: heat 2-3 Tbsp of Cooking Oil. Fry the Garlic until brown, remove, strain and set aside..
  3. BEEF: if needed, add Cooking Oil until enough. Heat the Cooking Oil until hot. Fry the Beef until crispy and dry..
  4. ASSEMBLY: on a plate, serve the Beef and garnish with Fried Garlic and Fresh Coriander. Serve with Cooked Rice, Fried Egg and Veggie Greens..

Now that you have actually checked out the Thai Stir Fry Garlic and Pepper Beef (Kratiem Prik Thai) recipe, and also you have the knowledge that you require to do in the kitchen. Obtain that apron out, dust off your mixing bowls as well as roll up your sleeves. You have some food preparation to do.

If you find this Thai Stir Fry Garlic and Pepper Beef (Kratiem Prik Thai) recipe valuable please share it to your close friends or family, thank you and good luck.


Recipe for Delicious Thai Stir Fry Garlic and Pepper Beef (Kratiem Prik Thai)
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