Recipe for Homemade Egg Drop/Poached Egg Curry

Recipe for Homemade Egg Drop/Poached Egg Curry

If you're looking for new recipes to try this weekend, look no further! We provide you only the perfect Egg Drop/Poached Egg Curry recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Lots of people love cooking and think it makes the best relaxing leisure activity. A kitchen that is filled with fresh food that smells delicious is specific to make any individual's mood a little bit lighter. It can in some cases seem hard, though, to determine dishes that work for you or recommendations that results in an inevitably successful dish. Maybe this Egg Drop/Poached Egg Curry dish is the one you are looking for.

Egg Drop/Poached Egg Curry Recipe

Egg Drop/Poached Egg Curry

To make Egg Drop/Poached Egg Curry you only need 25 ingredients and 14 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Egg Drop/Poached Egg Curry :

  1. You need Whole Dry Spices:.
  2. You need to prepare cinnamon stick.
  3. You need to prepare bay leaf.
  4. Provide cloves.
  5. Use Powder Spices.
  6. You need to prepare turmeric powder.
  7. You need to prepare red chilli powder.
  8. Prepare asafoetida.
  9. Provide cumin powder.
  10. Prepare coriander powder.
  11. Prepare garam masala.
  12. Prepare crushed black pepper.
  13. Prepare nutmeg powder (optional).
  14. Use Other Ingredients.
  15. You need small onion finely chopped.
  16. Provide small tomato finely chopped.
  17. Use slit green chilli (optional).
  18. Use minced garlic/paste.
  19. Provide minced ginger/paste.
  20. Prepare water.
  21. You need to prepare milk (optional).
  22. You need cooking oil.
  23. You need eggs.
  24. Use cilantro leaves finely chopped.
  25. Prepare Salt as per taste.

Egg Drop/Poached Egg Curry instructions :

  1. Heat 3 tablespoons of oil in a wok and add all the whole spices..
  2. Add chopped onion and green chilli. sauté till the onion gets translucent.
  3. Add the ginger-garlic and cook till the raw smell fades away.
  4. Add the tomatoes and cook till it gets soft and mushy.
  5. Add the powder spices and salt as per your taste. Cook for a minute till oil leaves the sides.
  6. Add 1 tablespoon of cilantro leaves and give it a quick mix..
  7. Add 1 cup of water and 1/4 cup of milk. cook with a lid for 2-3 minutes.
  8. Open the lid, break eggs one by one, and drop into the wok keeping distance between each egg..
  9. Cook with the lid on for 2-3 minutes on medium flame.
  10. After 2-3 minutes the eggs will be half cooked. If you like it that way, take it off the flame, garnish with 1 tablespoon cilantro leaves and serve..
  11. If you want it to be fully cooked, slowly flip the eggs over, making sure not to break them. Cook with the lid on for another 2-3 minutes..
  12. You’re egg drop curry/poached egg curry is ready..
  13. Garnish with 1 tablespoon cilantro leaves and serve. Goes well with chappatis (Indian flat bread) or steamed rice or bread 🍞.
  14. Enjoy 😉👍🏻.

Everybody wants to be a much better cook. Everyone wishes to explore fun recipes. Locating the moment as well as really feeling the inspiration to be creative in the kitchen area can often pose a difficulty though. We wish these Egg Drop/Poached Egg Curry recipe can bring the magic to your kitchen. Provide a couple of these suggestions a shot tonight, your taste buds will thank you!

If you find this Egg Drop/Poached Egg Curry recipe valuable please share it to your close friends or family, thank you and good luck.


Recipe for Homemade Egg Drop/Poached Egg Curry
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