Recipe for Tasty Strong Matcha Milk Anpan

Recipe for Tasty Strong Matcha Milk Anpan

Looking for the perfect Strong Matcha Milk Anpan recipe? look no further! We provide you only the best Strong Matcha Milk Anpan recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

There are numerous sources of info on cooking. Some details is tailored in the direction of skilled chefs and also not for the ordinary person. It can be puzzling to wade through all of the readily available details. The good news is, this Strong Matcha Milk Anpan recipe is easy to do and will offer you some fantastic tips. They will certainly help any individual, also an amateur.

Strong Matcha Milk Anpan Recipe

Strong Matcha Milk Anpan

You can have Strong Matcha Milk Anpan using 14 ingredients and 16 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Strong Matcha Milk Anpan :

  1. Provide Bread dough.
  2. You need Bread (strong) flour.
  3. Provide Cake flour (Soffiche ).
  4. You need Sugar.
  5. You need Trehalose (if you have ).
  6. Use Matcha.
  7. Provide ※Matcha syrup.
  8. Use ※Heavy cream.
  9. You need to prepare ※Milk, the total liquid amount should be 150 to 155 ml in total including the heavy cream and matcha syrup.
  10. Prepare Unsalted butter.
  11. Provide Salt.
  12. Prepare Instant dry yeast.
  13. Provide For the filling:.
  14. Provide Milk paste (link to recipe in story section).

Strong Matcha Milk Anpan instructions :

  1. Make the milk paste referring to this recipe (, and let the paste cool down..
  2. Combine the bread flour, cake flour and matcha. Combine all ※ ingredients and measure in advance..
  3. Put all the ingredients for the bread dough except butter in a bread machine and start the kneading. Put the yeast in the bread machine designated position..
  4. After kneading for 5 minutes, add the butter and leave the bread machine to work until the first proofing is done..
  5. Take out the dough when it is ready. Press down the dough and divide it into 5 portions. Reshape the dough into a ball. Cover the dough with a tightly wrung out kitchen towel and let it sit for 15 minutes..
  6. After letting the dough sit, roll out the dough into a circle with a rolling pin while eliminating air. Make the middle of the dough thick. Fill the milk paste into the dough with a spatula and close it tightly..
  7. Put the seams face down and roll on your palms to shape it nicely. Then flatten the dough and arrange pieces on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper..
  8. Use the oven's bread-rising function and let the dough sit at 35℃ for 40 to 45 minutes for the 2nd proofing. When the dough doubles in size, it's ready..
  9. After the 2nd proofing, start preheating the oven to 200℃. While preheating the oven, moisten the tip of the rolling pin and stick some sesame seeds on it. Then press the tip of the rolling pin with sesame seeds on the middle of the dough and stick the sesame seeds stick onto the dough..
  10. Cover the dough with a parchment paper and place another baking sheet on gently in place of a weight. Reduce the preheated oven temperature to 180℃ and bake for 15 minutes..
  11. Cool the baked anpan on a rack..
  12. The bread dough includes heavy cream, so the inside of the bread will be fluffy and the browned parts will be crispy..
  13. I wanted to make a loaf bread with the paste originally, but failed many times. It always had holes inside the bread..
  14. So, I thought of making this into a flat anpan. I got advice from Makunouchi and tried it. There were no holes in the bread, the paste was moist and I was very satisfied with the results..
  15. I think I can use this way of baking to making other kinds of breads too. I am truly grateful for Makunouchi who gave me the brilliant idea..
  16. If the baking sheet is too heavy and flattens the dough, use heat-proof supports to hold the top baking sheet..

Since you have actually read Strong Matcha Milk Anpan recipe, it is the moment for you to head to the cooking area as well as prepare some great food! Bear in mind, cooking is not a skill that can be one hundred percent right initially. Practice is required for you to understand the art of food preparation.

If you find this Strong Matcha Milk Anpan recipe helpful please share it to your friends or family, thank you and good luck.


Recipe for Tasty Strong Matcha Milk Anpan
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