Steps to Prepare Perfect Lentil cottage pie

Steps to Prepare Perfect Lentil cottage pie

If you're looking for new recipes to try this weekend, look no further! We provide you only the best Lentil cottage pie recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Cooking is a kind of art and also there are many different sorts of cooking that you can find out. You can come to be a chef or you can just try to master the art of cooking excellent meals within your home. Many tasks in the work environment use chefs, prep-cooks as well as supervisors that likewise look after cooks. We hope this Lentil cottage pie recipe can help make you a much better cook.

Lentil cottage pie Recipe

Lentil cottage pie

You can cook Lentil cottage pie using 11 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Lentil cottage pie :

  1. Use lentils.
  2. Provide Carrots.
  3. Provide Peas.
  4. You need to prepare Mushrooms.
  5. You need to prepare Vegan stock.
  6. Provide Marmite 1tbl spoon.
  7. Prepare Garlic.
  8. You need to prepare Onion.
  9. Prepare Sweet potatoes.
  10. You need to prepare Yeast flakes 3tbl spoons.
  11. Prepare Salt and pepper.

Spoon the lentil mixture into a medium pie dish and top with the champ. This tasted just as rich and delicious as a meat shepherds pie, but it's a great deal cheaper to make with lentils. Made with Double concentrated tomato paste. When you need a strong and intense taste of tomato, tomato paste is your choice.

Lentil cottage pie step by step :

  1. Chop up the carrots and mushrooms I do them small so they cook quicker.
  2. Fry off the garlic and onions until golden.
  3. Add the carrots and mushrooms for 5mins.
  4. Add the vegan stock, lentils, peas, marmite, salt and pepper to taste.
  5. Boil the sweet potatoes and mash with the yeast flakes..
  6. Simmer for 5mins before adding in to an oven proof dish.
  7. Top with mash and bake till bubbling, or even skip the oven part as everything is cooked through as it’s just veg no nasty meat.

This tangy and moreish cheesy lentil cottage pie is one for the whole family. So simple to make packed full of plenty of flavour. Here is a vegetarian alternative to one of our favourite dishes, cottage pie. The pie is made with lentils instead of meat, providing a lean source of complete. Stir in the tomato purée and add seasoning.

There are few activities as satisfying and fulfilling as cooking. Not just can you flex your imaginative muscles, you can additionally supply delicious dishes for your family. Increasing your expertise of food preparation is specific to boost your time in the kitchen. Attempting Lentil cottage pie recipe is a wonderful means to do simply that.

If you find this Lentil cottage pie recipe useful please share it to your close friends or family, thank you and good luck.


Steps to Prepare Perfect Lentil cottage pie
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