Recipe for Quick Shepherds Pie

Recipe for Quick Shepherds Pie

If you're looking for recipes idea to cook today, look no further! We provide you only the best Shepherds Pie recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Once you comprehend the fundamentals of cooking, it can be such a releasing and rewarding experience to create a merely scrumptious meal or baked thing. The smells in your home and also the faces of the people that you share it with are priceless. We hope this Shepherds Pie dish will certainly provide you some idea for you to become an extraordinary cook.

Shepherds Pie Recipe

Shepherds Pie

You can have Shepherds Pie using 26 ingredients and 10 steps. Here is how you do it.

Ingredients of Shepherds Pie :

  1. Provide filling.
  2. Prepare minced lamb trimmed lean.
  3. Use lamb broth.
  4. Use rosemary.
  5. You need chopped carrots.
  6. Use medium yellow onion chopped.
  7. Provide finely chopped celery.
  8. Prepare butter.
  9. You need Heinz ketchup.
  10. You need to prepare salt.
  11. Use ground black pepper, fresh.
  12. You need to prepare cornstarch.
  13. You need to prepare mashed potatoes.
  14. Use chopped sweet potatoes.
  15. Use salt.
  16. Provide milk.
  17. Provide water.
  18. Use butter.
  19. You need to prepare lamb broth.
  20. Use lamb bones and trimmings.
  21. Prepare rosemary.
  22. You need to prepare salt.
  23. Provide ground black pepper.
  24. Prepare marjoram.
  25. You need water.
  26. Provide garlic powder.

Shepherds Pie instructions :

  1. Lamb broth when I would cook lamb I saved the bones and trimmings by freezing in a ziploc bag.
  2. I boil all the ingredients for lamb broth in a pot till the trimmings are done. Skim the gray foam from top discard all the broth is usable. Discard bones and trimmings.
  3. Preheat oven 275° Fahrenheit.
  4. Filling directions, trim the lamb, chop the vegetables.
  5. Mix the lamb, carrots, melted butter, cornstarch, onions and celery. Add spices and broth..
  6. Put into a casserole dish slow cook in oven 2 hours.
  7. Peel the potatoes chop them up cover with water and boil.
  8. When done add milk a little at the time add salt and butter mash but leave lumpy you may not need all the milk you want to leave stiff.
  9. When filling is done drain any liquids, if any. Turn heat on oven up to 400°Fahrenheit.
  10. Gently add potatoes smooth out then take your fork creating grooves in the potatoes bake about 30 minutes till potatoes are crisp remove from heat let sit 15 minutes enjoy.

Take these Shepherds Pie recipe concepts as well as utilize them as well as perhaps even experiment while you go to it. The kitchen is a great place to try brand-new points with the best aid.

If you find this Shepherds Pie recipe useful please share it to your close friends or family, thank you and good luck.


Recipe for Quick Shepherds Pie
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