8 Perfect Spicy Semolina Idli Muffins Recipes

8 Perfect Spicy Semolina Idli Muffins Recipes

Looking for the perfect Spicy Semolina Idli Muffins recipe? look no further! We provide you only the best Spicy Semolina Idli Muffins recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Everybody loves the idea of sitting down to a tasty home-cooked meal, however with today's active routines, it can be tougher than ever to find the time to put one with each other. Thankfully, help is around, the Spicy Semolina Idli Muffins recipe and guidance in this write-up will aid you assembled well balanced meals for your household in a surprisingly, short time.

Spicy Semolina Idli Muffins Recipe

Spicy Semolina Idli Muffins

To make Spicy Semolina Idli Muffins you need 6 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Spicy Semolina Idli Muffins :

  1. Provide semolina.
  2. You need curd.
  3. You need chopped onion, tomato, capsicum and carrot.
  4. Use coriander chutney.
  5. You need to prepare Salt.
  6. Provide baking soda.

Spicy Semolina Idli Muffins step by step :

  1. In a bowl take semolina and add curd to it..
  2. Mix well and add coriander chutney..
  3. Chop all vegetables.
  4. Add it to semolina batter..
  5. Rest for 30 minutes..
  6. Fill in muffin molds. Steam for 20 minutes..
  7. Ready to serve healthy breakfast..

You do not require to be a pro to cook a fantastic dish. There are several recipes that look tough and frustrating, yet are in truth, fairly straightforward one of it is Spicy Semolina Idli Muffins recipe. We really hope, this recipe has actually instilled some self-confidence in you for the following time you remain in the kitchen area.

If you find this Spicy Semolina Idli Muffins recipe helpful please share it to your good friends or family, thank you and good luck.


8 Perfect Spicy Semolina Idli Muffins Recipes
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