8 Top-Rated Sig's Red stuffed Cabbage Recipes

8 Top-Rated Sig's Red stuffed Cabbage Recipes

If you're looking for new recipes to try this weekend, look no further! We provide you only the best Sig's Red stuffed Cabbage recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Are you a cooking master? Perhaps you are simply a kitchen area veteran? Or like several others, you may be a beginner.Whatever the case may be, useful cooking guidance can add some fresh ideas to your cooking. Spend some time and find out a few things that can sprinkle some new enjoyable into your kitchen area routine. This Sig's Red stuffed Cabbage recipe maybe a perfect fit for you.

Sig's Red stuffed Cabbage Recipe

Sig's Red stuffed Cabbage

You can have Sig's Red stuffed Cabbage using 13 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you do that.

Ingredients of Sig's Red stuffed Cabbage :

  1. Provide red cabbage leafes.
  2. Use cider vinegar.
  3. Use clove.
  4. Use each of salt,pepper and sugar.
  5. Prepare brown cepes (close cup brown mushrooms).
  6. Use ground (minced )beef or use equivalent of vegetarian mince or marinaded tofu, puree the tofu to a mince like consistency ).
  7. Prepare butter.
  8. You need to prepare egg.
  9. Use old crusty roll.
  10. Use fresh cream.
  11. Use beefstock or vegetable stock.
  12. Provide plain flour.
  13. Prepare good medium sweet red wine.

Sig's Red stuffed Cabbage instructions :

  1. boil the cabbage leaves in 1ltr of water with the vinegar,clove,salt,pepper and sugar (a good pinch of each)for five minutes.Drain well..
  2. slice the mushrooms and gently fry for five minutes in butter.Use a blitzer to almost puree the mushrooms..
  3. soak the breadroll and sueeze out water mix with minced vegetarian meat equivalent or meat,egg,cream,salt and pepper and last but not least the mushroom puree, make a dough.Divide mixture equally onto the cabbage leafes,tuck in and wrap little parcels.Heat rest butter in oven proof pan and tightly pack in the parcels. Heat oven to medium heat. Cook the parcels for ten minutes then add the stock and cook for a further 50 minutes..
  4. thicken the juices with the flour and red wine,boil and season with salt,pepper and sugar..
  5. serve with roast potatoes..

You do not need to be a professional to cook a fantastic dish. There are several recipes that look difficult and frustrating, yet remain in truth, rather simple among it is Sig's Red stuffed Cabbage recipe. We hope, this recipe has actually instilled some confidence in you for the next time you remain in the kitchen.

If you find this Sig's Red stuffed Cabbage recipe helpful please share it to your friends or family, thank you and good luck.


8 Top-Rated Sig's Red stuffed Cabbage Recipes
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